The Simpsons S21E20 HDTV XviD
qx9650 - 05-05-2010 02:19
The Simpsons S21E20 HDTV XviD
Season: 21 Episode: 20
Released: 2nd May 2010
Filesize: 175.09 MB
The FOX network's most successful series to date was a spin-off from The Tracey Ullman Show. Originally appearing on that series as a 1 minute filler, the executive producers of that series, James L. Brooks and Sam Simon decided that these characters could support a half hour series. So they did it and started the longest running animated series in primetime network television. Part of this family's broad appeal has allowed them to make endorsements, such as the numerous commercials they've appeared in for Butterfinger candy bars.
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momsen123 - 26-05-2010 08:07
Kocham Odcinki Simpsons a tak¿e do obejrzenia go, gdy czujê siê smutny lub znudzone. Tak naprawdê to jest ¶wietna zabawa. Ten film mnie roz¶miesza do mnie brzuch boli.