Agnes - Dance Love Pop (Deluxe Edition) 2010
alviko - 18-06-2010 14:38
Agnes - Dance Love Pop (Deluxe Edition) 2010
Artysta : Agnes
Album : Dance Love Pop (Deluxe Edition)
¬ród³o : CD
Rok : 2010
Genre : Pop
Koder : Lame 3.97 (VBR-V2--NEW)
Tryb : Joint Stereo
Bitrate : 194 kbps avg
Rozmiar : 101,62 MB
1. Release Me
2. On and On
3. Love Love Love
4. Love Me Senseless
5. Sk±d wiesz,
6. I Need You Now
7. Spójrz na mnie teraz
8. Nie Pull Out Your Love
9. Otwórz oczy
10. Czasami I Forget
11. Big Blue Wall
12. Release Me (REALISE)
13. On and On (Na Se Donne)
14. Release Me (Acoustic)
15. On and On (Acoustic)
16. Release Me (Live Acoustic)
17. I Need You Now (Moonwalker)
18. Ci Rain
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alviko - 24-06-2010 09:54
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