Bitch Slap (2009) - DVDRip
tonyyen - 05-06-2010 08:34
Bitch Slap (2009) - DVDRip
Bitch Slap (2009) - DVDRip
Type: DVDRip
Category: Action
Country: USA
When three curvaceous babes arrive at a desert hideaway to steal from an underworld kingpin, things quickly spiral out of control. Allegiances are switched, truths are revealed, criminals are unmasked and nothing is quite what it seems as the fate of the world is precariously balanced among this trio of xxxy femmes fatales.
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moviefreak123 - 05-06-2010 15:37
Hey isn't it Bitch Slap movie. I am wondering why you have changed the name of this mvie all together. :)