Circle Of Eight (2009)
chipkhan - 01-02-2010 20:02
Circle Of Eight (2009)
Release Name ]:.........: Circle.Of.Eight.2009.DVDRip.XviD-M00DY
Release Date ]:.........: 29.01.2010
Size ]:.................: 700 MB
Runtime ]:..............: 1 Hr 23 Min 49 Sec
Video ]:................: XviD | 640 x 352 | 1026 kbps
Frame Rate ]:...........: 23.976 fps
Audio ]:................: MP3 | 128 kbps | 2 Channels
Language ]:.............: English
IMDB ]:.................: Circle of Eight (2009)
Jessica moves into a loft on the eighth floor of a Los Angeles apartment building called The Dante. The other tenants all seem friendly at first, but when she starts witnessing horrible deaths, she must team up with her neighbor Evan (Doom) to solve the mystery - and uncover her own connection to the place
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EmilGG - 03-02-2010 17:10
Circle of Eight (2009) DVDRip.XviD-M00DY
Language: English
Subtitle: N/A
Runtime: 83 min
Genre: Horror | Action
IMDb Rating: 3.8/10 (96 votes)
Directed By: Stephen Cragg
Starring: John Bishop, Kirk Bovill, Ryan Doom, Austin Highsmith
Jessica wprowadza siê do mieszkania na strychu na ósmym piêtrze budynku w Los Angeles. Inni lokatorzy wydaj± siê z pozoru przyja¼ni, jednak po kolei zaczynaj± gin±æ. Jessica postanawia rozwi±zaæ zagadkê tajemniczych ¶mierci wraz z pomoc± innego nowego s±siada - Evana.
Linki z tego postu zosta³y usuniête z powodu naruszenia praw autorskich.