EndNote X3; Pre-Activated (MAC)
ass33 - 25-02-2010 20:33
EndNote X3; Pre-Activated (MAC)

With its world-class speed and track record, EndNote X3¼ puts your publishing in the lead and keeps you there. Out of the blocks with new features like faster start up times and seasoned favorites like our Cite While You Write™ technology, EndNote X3 is moving fast to deliver the world’s most complete bibliographic solution.
Create new bibliography styles in new places
You’ll find new speed in Cite While You Write for Apple¼
Pages ’09, Microsoft¼ Word and now OpenOffice.org Writer 3
for Windows. With EndNote X3, you can create multiple bibliographies within a single Word document—specify end of chapters, end of document, or both. Chemistry styles are now supported with composite references that group citations.
Simplify collaboration with EndNote Web and ResearcherID
EndNote X3 includes your personal EndNote Web account that not only transfers groups swiftly between desktop and Web but also organizes your own publication list for the free ResearcherID author community. By creating a seamless system,you are able to view personal citation metrics in ResearcherID, complete with dynamically updated links to Times Cited detail in the ISI Web of KnowledgeSM.
Improve organization with new grouping options
You can now create groups containing both custom and smart groups for easier organization. The main and sub-groups can be
re-arranged any time with a simple drag-and-drop action. And,
you can locate more full text by setting up your institution’s EZProxy authentication in the EndNote preferences.
Inne nowe funkcje:

Faster startup—EndNote X3 installs the 100 most popular styles to make Cite While You Write faster. You can easily select additional styles as needed.
More options for compressed libraries—define an entire library, a group, or selected references to compress—with or without file attachments.
Compare duplicate records side-by-side for easy review.
Use new and improved Mac AppleScripts to enhance searches and match existing references with local PDF files by uniquely identifying DOI and PMCID data.
Access more online resources and publishing styles—3,900+ online connection files, 700+ import filters and 3,700
journal styles.


Linki z tego postu zosta³y usuniête z powodu naruszenia praw autorskich.
sohpranois - 19-03-2010 18:03
UFRJ wys³aæ wielu studentów powiedzieæ DZIÊKUJÊ!
ass33 - 10-04-2010 07:06
my pleasure guys