Garmin City Navigator North America 2011-HOT
phong061290 - 22-06-2010 15:56
Garmin City Navigator North America 2011-HOT
Garmin City Navigator North America 2011
Type: Windows
Category: Others
Size: 2,000.0 MB
So far it seems to be an improvement. It was easy to install too,
unlike my past adventures with Garmin's unlock codes. The NT seems to
take up a lot less space on the memory than did my old non-nt 2007
City Select map. Garmin is being very coy with the update year on
the package. No place does it say 2010, so people won't know if they
are buying a 2009 or 2010, and so I guess so they can continue selling
it after 2011 comes out, too.
Linki z tego postu zosta³y usuniête z powodu naruszenia praw autorskich.
lalawho - 21-08-2010 09:01
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Pro - Eksperci w Mobile Phone Unlocking Mogê teraz zainstalowaæ oprogramowanie w telefonie i nadal aktualizacji z mojej nowej sieci