Jumbo 2009 DVDrip
mrcuong2703 - 30-06-2010 08:02
Jumbo 2009 DVDrip
Jumbo 2009 (amin)
Jumbo 2009| DVDRIP | 700MB
Jumbo is an young elephant growing up without his father. As other kids tease him for being fatherless, he goes on to find him. Eventually Jumbo becomes the war elephant for the king and avenges the death of his father who was also a war elephant.
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PW: movie-9.com
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rabbirayenz - 30-06-2010 13:57
Dotyczy historii, po prostu nie kontaktowaæ siê z dzieæmi. Prosty liniowy historia z dzieæmi mog± byæ rozpoznawalne, ale historia zaczyna siê na z³e noty. Nawet mój syn by³ rozczarowany w ci±gu 30 minut. Dla mnie film Lion King wydawa³ rehash.