Makemusic Finale 2010 v 15.0 +Update 15.2
yandy - 05-02-2010 22:44
Makemusic Finale 2010 v 15.0 +Update 15.2
Makemusic Finale 2010 v 15.0 +Update 15.2
Makemusic Finale 2010 - the world's most powerful music notation software lets you express your creativity and love of music. Compose, arrange, notate, and print engraver-quality sheet music. Redesigned for 2010
Vast areas of Finale have been updated for 2010. From Percussion Notation and Chord Entry to Rehearsal Marks and Measure Numbering, common tasks have been automated and simplified to save you time and to easily make your music perfect.
World-Class Sounds
More than 350 instrument sounds from the renowned makers of Garritan Personal Orchestra, 100+ sounds from Tapspace Virtual Drumline, AND the ability to add any VST/AU Instrument or Effect Plug-in means Finale offers the very best in playback.
Record/Import Audio
Give arrangements authenticity and life with a real vocal or instrumental track. Only Finale lets you record or import a mono or stereo audio file to enhance playback.
Entering Notes
From MIDI to your mouse, from scanning to Finale's exclusive MicNotator, no other software offers you more note entry options.
SmartMusic Support and Music Education WorksheetsExclusive SmartMusic support, over 300 customizable Music Education Worksheets, and Finale's Exercise Wizard are just a few of the many reasons Finale remains the first choice of music educators worldwide.
Linked Parts and other Timesavers. Finale includes dozens of time-saving tools like Linked Parts, Multiple Page Editing, Band-in-a-Box Auto-harmonizing, ScoreMerger, SmartFind and Paint, and more.
System Requirements:
G4 or higher recommended. OS 10.4-10.6 (Mac-Intel or Power PC).*
DVD-ROM drive.
800x600 minimum monitor resolution.
Minimum 512MB RAM (1GB or more recommended for optional use of Garritan sounds/Aria Player: more RAM = more available sounds).
600MB hard drive space required for software and user manual. An additional 2GB hard drive space is required for all VST/AU sounds included with Finale 2010.
File Size :1.07GB
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yandy - 22-04-2010 22:06