[RapidShare] Alcohol 120% PL + KEYGEN--Najnowsza Wersja
makaron993 - 15-10-2008 21:17
Alcohol 120%
Alcohol 120%
Free download / pobierz za darmo - Alcochol 120%. Jest to aplikacja przeznaczoną do emulacji wirtualnych napędów a także do wypalania płyt.
Alcohol 120% łączy w sobie cechy programu przeznaczonego do nagrywania płyt oraz emulatora napędów CD/DVD. Program umożliwia tworzenie zapasowych kopii płyt CD oraz DVD (na CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM i DVD+RW). Alcohol 120% tworzy również kopie płyt zabezpieczonych technologiami: Laserlock, SafeDisc, SafeDisc2, Securom, Securom, StarForce 1.x/2.x, VOB ProtectCD i VOB ProtectCD v5. Za pomocą aplikacji można tworzyć wirtualne napędy (do 31) na dysku co pozwala na odtwarzanie bez konieczności posiadania/wkładania płyty.
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kamol995 - 19-10-2008 15:57
[megaupload] Alcohol 120%
Oprogramowanie do nagrywania płyt CD/DVD. Alcohol 120% posiada wbudowany emulator umożliwiający stworzenie do 31 wirtualnych napędów CD/DVD-ROM. Program kopiuje płyty zabezpieczone systemami: Laserlock, SafeDisc, SafeDisc2, Securom, Securom *NEW, StarForce 1.x/2.x, VOB ProtectCD i VOB ProtectCD v5.
Lista zmian:
Poprawiono drobne błędy
Usunięto problem pojawiający się podczas instalacji Service Packa lub aktualizowania sterowników IDE wraz z zainstalowanym Alcoholem
Poprawiono problem niekompatybilności z InCD
Usunięto problemy z rejestracją produktu
Dodano możliwość zmiany BookType (dla nagrywarek posiadających tę możliwość)
Zaktualizowano pliki z pomocą do programu
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EaSy - 22-10-2008 20:03
[odsiebie.com]Alcohol 120% Black & Bloody Edition Version
Free download / pobierz za darmo - Alcohol 120% Black & Bloody Edition Version Poniżej opis i link do programu. Zapraszam do ściągania i komentowania.
lcohol 120% Black & Bloody Edition Version
Najnowsza wersja !
Alcohol 120% łączy w sobie cechy programu przeznaczonego do nagrywania płyt oraz emulatora napędów CD/DVD. Program umożliwia tworzenie zapasowych kopii płyt CD oraz DVD (na CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM i DVD+RW). Black Edition umożliwia kopiowanie płyt muzyki zabezpieczonej przez DRM.
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proogi - 23-10-2008 14:18
[RapidShare] Alcohol 120% PL + KEYGEN--Najnowsza Wersja
Free download / pobierz za darmo - Alcohol 120% PL + KEYGEN--Najnowsza Wersja Poniżej opis i link do programu. Zapraszam do ściągania i komentowania.
lcohol 120% łączy w sobie cechy programu przeznaczonego do nagrywania płyt oraz emulatora napędów CD/DVD.
Program umożliwia tworzenie zapasowych kopii płyt CD oraz DVD (na CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM i DVD+RW).
Alcohol 120% tworzy również kopie płyt zabezpieczonych technologiami: Laserlock, SafeDisc, SafeDisc2, Securom, Securom,
StarForce 1.x/2.x, VOB ProtectCD i VOB ProtectCD v5. Za pomocą aplikacji można tworzyć wirtualne napędy (do 31) na dysku
co pozwala na odtwarzanie bez konieczności posiadania/wkładania płyty.
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krzysieknb1 - 22-02-2009 02:36
Alcohol 120% laczy w sobie cechy programu przeznaczonego do nagrywania plyt oraz emulatora napedów CD/DVD. Program umozliwia tworzenie zapasowych kopii plyt CD oraz DVD (na CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM i DVD+RW). Alcohol 120% tworzy równiez kopie plyt zabezpieczonych technologiami: Laserlock, SafeDisc, SafeDisc2, Securom, Securom, StarForce 1.x/2.x, VOB ProtectCD i VOB ProtectCD v5. Za pomoca aplikacji mozna tworzyc wirtualne napedy (do 31) na dysku co pozwala na odtwarzanie bez koniecznosci posiadania/wkladania plyty.
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majks - 18-06-2009 12:48
[HF]Alcohol 120% Black Edition 4.0 and key
* 10 % Recovery Data Add
* Tested & Working
* 100% SAFE
* No Passwords
Ściągając ty też mi pomagasz - Dziękuję ^^
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masters - 24-07-2009 15:32
Alcohol 120 Pre-activated
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CyberShot - 25-08-2009 18:07
Alcohol 120% Black Edition PL
Kategoria: Nagrywanie płyt CD/DVD
Producent: Alcohol Software
Alcohol 120% łączy w sobie cechy programu przeznaczonego do nagrywania płyt oraz emulatora napędów CD/DVD. Program umożliwia tworzenie zapasowych kopii płyt CD oraz DVD (na CD-R/CD-RW/DVD-R/DVD-RW/DVD-RAM i DVD+RW). Alcohol 120% tworzy również kopie płyt zabezpieczonych technologiami: Laserlock, SafeDisc, SafeDisc2, Securom, Securom, StarForce 1.x/2.x, VOB ProtectCD i VOB ProtectCD v5. Za pomocą aplikacji można tworzyć wirtualne napędy (do 31) na dysku co pozwala na odtwarzanie bez konieczności posiadania/wkładania płyty.
Niektóre cechy programu:
Obsługuje formaty plików obrazu CD:
- Media Descriptor (mds)
- CloneCD (ccd/img/sub)
- Nero Burning ROM (nrg)
- CDRWin (cue/bin) (dla dysku z jedną sesją, bez danych subkanałowych)
- Standardowy ISO (iso) (dla dysku z jedną sesją, bez danych subkanałowych)
- BlindSuite (bwt/bwi/bws)
- DiscJuggler (cdi)
Obsługuje formaty CD: CD-DA, CD+G, CD-ROM, CD-XA, Video CD, Photo CD, Mixed Mode, Multi-session CD
Obsługuje formaty DVD: DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-Audio
Zapisuje CD metodami: Session-At-Once, Disc-At-Once, RAW Session- At-Once, RAW Session- At-Once + SUB, RAW Disc- At-Once (z pełnym wsparciem dla PQ/R-W)
Zapisuje DVD metodami: Session-At-Once, Disc-At-Once
W przypadku użytkowników systemów Windows 95 oraz NT 4.0:
Wymagana jest przeglądarka Internet Explorer 5.0 lub nowsza;
Do Windows NT 4.0 wymagany jest Service Pack 5;
Windows 95 musi być w wersji OSR2.
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No Name - 22-10-2009 17:15
Alcohol 120% v1.9.6.5403 + Keygen
Rozmiar:7.26 Mb
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No Name - 22-10-2009 17:16
Alcohol 120% v1.9.6.5403 + Keygen
Rozmiar:7.26 Mb
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No Name - 22-10-2009 17:16
Alcohol 120% v1.9.6.5403 + Keygen
Rozmiar:7.26 Mb
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No Name - 22-10-2009 17:18
Alcohol 120% v1.9.6.5403 + Keygen
Rozmiar:7.26 Mb
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No Name - 22-10-2009 17:19
Alcohol 120% v1.9.6.5403 + Keygen
Rozmiar:7.26 Mb
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Lecholik - 24-10-2009 12:40
Alcohol 120% v1.9.8.7117 Retail+Serials+Activator
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Lecholik - 24-10-2009 12:44
Alcohol 120% v1.9.8.7117 Retail+Serials+Activator
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Lecholik - 24-10-2009 12:49
Alcohol 120% v1.9.8.7117 Retail+Serials+Activator
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Lecholik - 24-10-2009 12:56
Alcohol 120% v1.9.8.7117 Retail+Serials+Activator
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kac@ - 25-11-2009 22:59
Alcohol 120% grudzień 2009!!!
Alcohol 120% grudzień 2009!!!
Alcohol 120% jest uznanym programem do nagrywania nośników CD i DVD. Alcohol 120% szczyci się niezawodnością i niezwykle prosta obsługą. Autorzy Alcohol 120%, firma Alcohol Software stale pracuje nad ulepszaniem i rozwijaniem swojego dzieła tak, żeby zapewnić użytkownikom nowoczesny i wydajny produkt. Alcohol 120% w wersji pl działa już od chwili instalacji. Niestety Alcohol 120% nie jest free – wersja darmowa działa 15 dni a po tym czasie należy wykupić licencję. W cenę wliczona jest opieka techniczna oraz gwarantowany dla każdej edycji Alcohol 120% darmowy download aktualizacji. Jeśli chcesz wypróbować Alcohol 120% ściągnij go z naszego serwisu.
Najnowszy Alcohol 120% posiada funkcję Alcohol Xtra, która pozwala nagrywać płyty prosto z zachowanego na dysku twardym obrazu płyty. Nagrywanie w Alcohol 120% odbywa się w kilku prostych krokach. Program obsługuje obrazy dysków utworzone także w innych programach: Nero, CloneCD i CDRWIN. Istnieje możliwość zapisywania ustawień skojarzonych z konkretnymi rodzajami dysków – audio, wideo, gry, dane. Darmowa wersja próbna Alcohol 120% - pobierz i przekonaj się jaką daje wygodę.
Alcohol 120% jest programem służącym do nagrywania płyt CD i DVD a więc można dzięki niemu stworzyć legalna kopię swoich zbiorów płyt z grami, oprogramowaniem, muzyką czy filmami. Za pomocą Alcohol 120% można utworzyć nawet 31 wirtualnych dysków, które można odtworzyć 200 razy szybciej niż przy użyciu napędów CD czy DVD. Znaczy to, że zamiast stale tracić czas na szukanie i wymianę płyt w napędzie można je mieć wygodnie zarchiwizowane na twardym dysku i mieć do nich ciągły dostęp a co za tym idzie zyskać sporo czasu oraz niezwykłą szybkość odczytu.
Z programem Alcohol 120% możesz utworzyć kopię płyt z grami i filmami i nie obawiać się, że oryginał zostanie zniszczony a ty stracisz cenne dane. Program może być używany w celach komercyjnych w firmach oraz w placówkach państwowych i oświatowych. Dzięki niemu można tworzyć legalne kopie zakupionych programów zamiast używać oryginalnych płyt, które często narażone są na uszkodzenie, zagubienie lub kradzież.
Program Alcohol 120% dostępny jest po polsku. Nie potrzebne jest dla Alcohol 120% osobne spolszczenie. Najnowszy Alcohol 120% do pobrania z naszego działu Nagrywanie Płyt CD, DVD, Blu-ray.
Wymagania sprzętowe:
Alcohol 120% działa na systemach Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista. Alcohol 120% działa na Vista x32. Potwierdzono też obsługę Alcohol 120% dla Vista x64. Uwaga - Alcohol 120% nie jest kompatybilny z Windows 98 i Windows ME. Osoby posiadające systemy 98 i ME mogą ściągnąć którąś ze starszych wersji programu (do wersji Alkohol 120% włącznie). Dobrą wiadomością dla osób testujących nowy Windows jest fakt, iż autorzy oficjalnie potwierdzili obsługę Alcohol 120% dla Windows 7 Beta. Należy również pamiętać o zachowaniu 10 GB wolnego miejsca na dysku w celu przechowania 31 wirtualnych nośników.
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louisfantom - 29-11-2009 16:48
Alcohol 120% 5.0 Blu-Ray
Alcohol 120% is a tool to create a virtual CD is "time-upper" one today. Because in addition to create a virtual CD for quick period, Alcohol 120% is the tool used for professional CD / DVD extremely useful. After installing Alcohol 120% to your computer, you can make the process of creating a virtual CD as follows:
Click on "Image Making Wizard" -> for your favorite CD into the computer to identify Alcohol 120% -> When identifying successful CD, "Image Making Wizard" will give notice board for some number on the CD, so to choose the type of mode data in the "datatype" is the "Customize" -> click Next to select "location response" of the virtual CD file. In the "Image Format", you can choose one of four virtual CD file format is MDS, CDD, CUE and ISO. MDS should choose the format it "new time" for a while. If your hard drive is not enough room virtual CD file containing Alcohol also supports the function clean up junk files with "Dish Cleanup. -> Click "Start" to perform Acohol create virtual CD. It will automatically name the file virtual CD or you can change this name as you wish. When a virtual CD file MDS started successfully, the Alcohol will automatically push your original CD from the drive.
To use the CD drive of Alcohol 120% virtual. You do the following: Go to File menu -> select Open -> Go to the MDS file that you saved this file to select and click "Open" to open this file to a CD as the initialization file ao.Truoc MDS, Alcohol was automatically creates an icon on another CD drive of your computer, usually a hard disk drive G on the second partition. When identification is complete MDS file is the full text of the original CD will reflect 100% of G nay.Dinh virtual CD virtual CD MDS is given a "time-upper" because most of the game of life that is available in Vietnam market today require a virtual CD emulator running in the MDS file is available on CD game.
have fun ;) !
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louisfantom - 23-12-2009 12:46
Alcohol 120% (Portable)
Alcohol 120% is CD/DVD emulation and recording software that allows users to copy discs. Store your most used or important CDs as images on your computer and run them at 200x speed from up to 31 virtual CD or DVD drives. Alcohol is compatible with more than 99% of drives available. It supports the latest image file types including - MDS, CCD, BIN, CUE, ISO, CDI, BWT, BWI, BWS, BWA and many more.
*** Alcohol 120% enables you to make a duplicate back-up to recordable media of nearly all your expensive Game/Software/DVD titles, and/or an image that can be mounted and run from any one of Alcohol's virtual drives.
*** No other software available enables you to create up to a staggering 31 virtual drives, allowing you to run your game images at over 200x faster than from a conventional CD-ROM. Alcohol 120% is a powerful utility that uses a unique combination of options to ensure a perfect back-up every time.
*** All you need is a PC combined with a CD or a DVD burner. No more replacing your expensive original discs due to loss, theft, scratches, or other media imperfections. Your duplicate works just like the original; your entire collection can be archived and your investment protected.
*** In the home: Have you had experiences with the common conditions of CDs/DVDs? They can easily get scratched, damaged, broken, lost or even stolen. Alcohol provides you with peace of mind and protects your investment.
*** Your original games/program discs can be safely stored away. Alcohol-created images mean that you always have your expensive media stored safely on your hard drive for instant retrieval at the click of a button. No more searching for the correct game disc or software application install disc, everything is at your fingertips.
*** You can now, for instance, simultaneously play your favourite game and bring up your route planner without having to eject and reload any physical discs, The 31 virtual drive ability of Alcohol means you can have the equivalent of a staggering 31 CD-ROM drives in your Home PC, all instantly accessible. You can simply and quickly run your Disc image at around 200 times faster than that of a conventional CD-ROM drive. If you need a program or CD it is immediately there - always ready to use!
*** At the office: Program discs and many other applications generally require the original disc to be in the computer's CD-ROM drive. This restricts the amount of people in your office who can have access to the same software at the same time without the cost of additional discs. Alcohol's virtual drives resolve that problem for you. No more hunting around the offices for that elusive disc you need to run your application, everything you require is just a click away.
*** With Alcohol you can store your CD images on your office server, your colleagues and employees at their respective networked workstations will never need to come asking for a CD again, they will not even require an expensive CD-ROM drive installed in their workstation PC! A simple click is all that is required for them to have full access to any disc image they require for their day to day work. Your valuable CDs can be safely kept under lock and key.
*** Does your company have a promotional CD for it's customers? Original pressed discs are expensive, using the Alcohol 120% writing engine you can copy the original to inexpensive blank discs for distribution to your customers and keep your overheads down.
*** Alcohol software offers unrivalled usage to people from all walks of life regardless of if you are a hardened game player, busy school teacher, salesman, IT manager, student etc. Alcohol has a niche in all your everyday computer needs. Let Alcohol help you to help yourselves and give you the peace of mind you deserve when it comes to expensive PC media.
Supported OS: Windows NT 3.x, Windows NT 4.x, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista
Changes in version :
- NEW Supports Windows 7 Beta versions
- UPDATE SPTD to 1.58
- UPDATE Read and Write engines
- UPDATE Language files
- UPDATE Devsupp.dll offering support for more drives
- FIX User reported bugs
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louisfantom - 01-01-2010 17:37
Alcohol 120% Retail and Alcohol 120 %
Alcohol 120% Retail and Alcohol 120 %
Alcohol 120%, is a powerful Windows CD and DVD burning software that makes it easy to create backups of DVDs* and CDs. In addition, the program lets you store your most used CDs as images on your computer, so you can call them up at the click of a button. Now includes Pre-Mastering function and support for Blu-ray format.
Alcohol brings new meaning to the word multimedia! It is without a doubt a leader in its class, bringing the ability to emulate and record CDs and DVDs together into one amazingly easy to use software program. Now includes Alcohol Xtra. A unique Pre-Mastering function. Using the latest technology the program is constantly being developed and improved to add new features, allowing it to maintain it s position as a leading software package.
Download :
have fun ;) !
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Xaburoo - 02-01-2010 20:47
Alcohol 120% 4.0 Black Edition PL
Alcohol 120% 4.0 Black Edition PL
size - 9mb
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marian35 - 04-01-2010 22:02
Alcohol 120%
Alcohol 120%
Upload na koncie premium!
Mala waga, 9 MB na bardzo szybkim serwerze!
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Mogo - 05-01-2010 00:04
Alcohol 120% 1.9.8 PL 5.0 PL
---Sprawdzone linki programy działają---
Alcohol 120% PL
Alcohol 120% 5.0 PL
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chipkhan - 05-01-2010 18:07
Alcohol 120% Retail v1.9.8.7612
Alcohol brings new meaning to the word multimedia! It is without a doubt a leader in its class, bringing the ability to emulate and record CDs and DVDs together into one amazingly easy to use software program. Now includes Alcohol Xtra. A unique Pre-Mastering function.
Using the latest technology the program is constantly being developed and improved to add new features, allowing it to maintain it's position as a leading software package.
Imagine being able to store your most used CDs as images on your computer and just call them up at the click of a button! And then run them at 200x the speed of some CD drives and without requiring the CD itself! How about being able to make a backup of that CD onto another CD either using the CD itself or just using the image you have created? This is what Alcohol allows you to do and much more.
* Alcohol 120% enables you to make a duplicate back-up to recordable media of nearly all your expensive Game/Software/DVD titles, and/or an image that can be mounted and run from any one of Alcohol's virtual drives.
* No other software available enables you to create up to a staggering 31 virtual drives, allowing you to run your game images at over 200x faster than from a conventional CD-ROM. Alcohol 120% is a powerful utility that uses a unique combination of options to ensure a perfect back-up every time.
* All you need is a PC combined with a CD or a DVD burner. No more replacing your expensive original discs due to loss, theft, scratches, or other media imperfections. Your duplicate works just like the original; your entire collection can be archived and your investment protected.
* In the home: Have you had experiences with the common conditions of CDs/DVDs? They can easily get scratched, damaged, broken, lost or even stolen. Alcohol provides you with peace of mind and protects your investment.
* Your original games/program discs can be safely stored away. Alcohol-created images mean that you always have your expensive media stored safely on your hard drive for instant retrieval at the click of a button. No more searching for the correct game disc or software application install disc, everything is at your fingertips.
* You can now, for instance, simultaneously play your favourite game and bring up your route planner without having to eject and reload any physical discs, The 31 virtual drive ability of Alcohol means you can have the equivalent of a staggering 31 CD-ROM drives in your Home PC, all instantly accessible. You can simply and quickly run your Disc image at around 200 times faster than that of a conventional CD-ROM drive. If you need a program or CD it is immediately there - always ready to use!
* At the office: Program discs and many other applications generally require the original disc to be in the computer's CD-ROM drive. This restricts the amount of people in your office who can have access to the same software at the same time without the cost of additional discs. Alcohol's virtual drives resolve that problem for you. No more hunting around the offices for that elusive disc you need to run your application, everything you require is just a click away.
* With Alcohol you can store your CD images on your office server, your colleagues and employees at their respective networked workstations will never need to come asking for a CD again, they will not even require an expensive CD-ROM drive installed in their workstation PC! A simple click is all that is required for them to have full access to any disc image they require for their day to day work. Your valuable CDs can be safely kept under lock and key.
Compatible with: Windows XP Pro (32/64 bit) / Vista (32/64 bit) and Win7 (32/64 bit)
Multilingual: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, German, Portugues, etc
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marian35 - 08-01-2010 20:59
Alcohol 120%
Alcohol 120% Retail v1.9.8.7612 Final
Upload na koncie premium!
Tylko 1 link na bardzo szybkim serwerze!
Bardzo mala waga, tylko 9 MB
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chipkhan - 14-01-2010 18:41
Alcohol 120% Retail v1.9.8.7612
Alcohol brings new meaning to the word multimedia! It is without a doubt a leader in its class, bringing the ability to emulate and record CDs and DVDs together into one amazingly easy to use software program. Now includes Alcohol Xtra. A unique Pre-Mastering function.
Using the latest technology the program is constantly being developed and improved to add new features, allowing it to maintain it's position as a leading software package.
Imagine being able to store your most used CDs as images on your computer and just call them up at the click of a button! And then run them at 200x the speed of some CD drives and without requiring the CD itself! How about being able to make a backup of that CD onto another CD either using the CD itself or just using the image you have created? This is what Alcohol allows you to do and much more.
* Alcohol 120% enables you to make a duplicate back-up to recordable media of nearly all your expensive Game/Software/DVD titles, and/or an image that can be mounted and run from any one of Alcohol's virtual drives.
* No other software available enables you to create up to a staggering 31 virtual drives, allowing you to run your game images at over 200x faster than from a conventional CD-ROM. Alcohol 120% is a powerful utility that uses a unique combination of options to ensure a perfect back-up every time.
* All you need is a PC combined with a CD or a DVD burner. No more replacing your expensive original discs due to loss, theft, scratches, or other media imperfections. Your duplicate works just like the original; your entire collection can be archived and your investment protected.
* In the home: Have you had experiences with the common conditions of CDs/DVDs? They can easily get scratched, damaged, broken, lost or even stolen. Alcohol provides you with peace of mind and protects your investment.
* Your original games/program discs can be safely stored away. Alcohol-created images mean that you always have your expensive media stored safely on your hard drive for instant retrieval at the click of a button. No more searching for the correct game disc or software application install disc, everything is at your fingertips.
* You can now, for instance, simultaneously play your favourite game and bring up your route planner without having to eject and reload any physical discs, The 31 virtual drive ability of Alcohol means you can have the equivalent of a staggering 31 CD-ROM drives in your Home PC, all instantly accessible. You can simply and quickly run your Disc image at around 200 times faster than that of a conventional CD-ROM drive. If you need a program or CD it is immediately there - always ready to use!
* At the office: Program discs and many other applications generally require the original disc to be in the computer's CD-ROM drive. This restricts the amount of people in your office who can have access to the same software at the same time without the cost of additional discs. Alcohol's virtual drives resolve that problem for you. No more hunting around the offices for that elusive disc you need to run your application, everything you require is just a click away.
* With Alcohol you can store your CD images on your office server, your colleagues and employees at their respective networked workstations will never need to come asking for a CD again, they will not even require an expensive CD-ROM drive installed in their workstation PC! A simple click is all that is required for them to have full access to any disc image they require for their day to day work. Your valuable CDs can be safely kept under lock and key.
Compatible with: Windows XP Pro (32/64 bit) / Vista (32/64 bit) and Win7 (32/64 bit)
Multilingual: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, German, Portugues, etc
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chipkhan - 15-01-2010 20:50
Alcohol 120% Retail v1.9.8.7612
Alcohol brings new meaning to the word multimedia! It is without a doubt a leader in its class, bringing the ability to emulate and record CDs and DVDs together into one amazingly easy to use software program. Now includes Alcohol Xtra. A unique Pre-Mastering function.
Using the latest technology the program is constantly being developed and improved to add new features, allowing it to maintain it's position as a leading software package.
Imagine being able to store your most used CDs as images on your computer and just call them up at the click of a button! And then run them at 200x the speed of some CD drives and without requiring the CD itself! How about being able to make a backup of that CD onto another CD either using the CD itself or just using the image you have created? This is what Alcohol allows you to do and much more.
* Alcohol 120% enables you to make a duplicate back-up to recordable media of nearly all your expensive Game/Software/DVD titles, and/or an image that can be mounted and run from any one of Alcohol's virtual drives.
* No other software available enables you to create up to a staggering 31 virtual drives, allowing you to run your game images at over 200x faster than from a conventional CD-ROM. Alcohol 120% is a powerful utility that uses a unique combination of options to ensure a perfect back-up every time.
* All you need is a PC combined with a CD or a DVD burner. No more replacing your expensive original discs due to loss, theft, scratches, or other media imperfections. Your duplicate works just like the original; your entire collection can be archived and your investment protected.
* In the home: Have you had experiences with the common conditions of CDs/DVDs? They can easily get scratched, damaged, broken, lost or even stolen. Alcohol provides you with peace of mind and protects your investment.
* Your original games/program discs can be safely stored away. Alcohol-created images mean that you always have your expensive media stored safely on your hard drive for instant retrieval at the click of a button. No more searching for the correct game disc or software application install disc, everything is at your fingertips.
* You can now, for instance, simultaneously play your favourite game and bring up your route planner without having to eject and reload any physical discs, The 31 virtual drive ability of Alcohol means you can have the equivalent of a staggering 31 CD-ROM drives in your Home PC, all instantly accessible. You can simply and quickly run your Disc image at around 200 times faster than that of a conventional CD-ROM drive. If you need a program or CD it is immediately there - always ready to use!
* At the office: Program discs and many other applications generally require the original disc to be in the computer's CD-ROM drive. This restricts the amount of people in your office who can have access to the same software at the same time without the cost of additional discs. Alcohol's virtual drives resolve that problem for you. No more hunting around the offices for that elusive disc you need to run your application, everything you require is just a click away.
* With Alcohol you can store your CD images on your office server, your colleagues and employees at their respective networked workstations will never need to come asking for a CD again, they will not even require an expensive CD-ROM drive installed in their workstation PC! A simple click is all that is required for them to have full access to any disc image they require for their day to day work. Your valuable CDs can be safely kept under lock and key.
Compatible with: Windows XP Pro (32/64 bit) / Vista (32/64 bit) and Win7 (32/64 bit)
Multilingual: English, Spanish, Italian, French, Japanese, German, Portugues, etc
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mariusz9270 - 18-01-2010 23:41
Alcohol 120% + Crack + serial
Alcohol 120% + Crack + serial
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miastex - 23-01-2010 20:15
Portable Alcohol.120% v1.9.6.5429
Portable Alcohol.120% v1.9.6.5429 | 12MB
Alcohol 120% can handle the creation of 31 virtual CD and DVD-ROMs, letting users play discs without needing the physical disc.
Users can copy CDs and DVDs to CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD R, DVD-RW, DVD-RAM, and DVD RW discs. The reading speed of a virtual CD-ROM is 200x. It supports normal CD, DVD, and CD RAW subchannel reading methods. The RAW reading method lets users emulate all CDs. Alcohol 120% supports numerous CD (CD-DA, CD G, CD-ROM, CD-XA, VideoCD, Photo CD) and DVD (DVD-ROM, DVD-Video, DVD-Audio) formats. It also supports all current (ATAPI & SCSI) drives. The latest version adds two more profiles to the data type options and includes support for unusually formatted DVD RW discs formatted by other software.
Version has updated Read and Write engines and fix User reported bugs.
have fun ;) !
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