SMS-Soft (2010RU.ENG)
ass33 - 02-03-2010 19:36
SMS-Soft (2010RU.ENG)

In this collection there are programs for mass mailing, as well as simply sending an SMS from your computer or mobile phone, smartphone, PDA, as the texts of SMS - on every occasion of life, SMS-boxes for mobile, SMS programs Spies, SMS Activator, program to unlock cell phones and so much more interesting.
List of programs included in the collection:
1. Coyote SMS - is a program open source for Free send SMS to many mobile phone operators: Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan.
2. EasySMS 1.0.186 - Most users will want to send free text messages to mobile phones, particularly acute, this problem while sending SMS abroad, as well as payment when you send the phone will cost several times more expensive than SMS for their country, and over the Internet send SMS to any country is completely free!
3. Preved SMS - is a program for sending SMS on mobile phones, pagers and phones of a satellite communication through Internet.
4. Send SMS 3 - program is designed for quick and easy sending SMS on mobile phones cellular operator Megafon, Beeline SMARTS. Send SMS has a friendly interface, beautiful design and all the features necessary for comfortable work.
5. SMS Workflow - To date, cell phones have virtually everyone (and some, and not one ...), which means SMS-mailing is most effective and cheapest means of providing information to the end consumer.
6. Yakoon - Software for sending SMS messages in more than 300 countries.
7. Best SMS 2009 - SMS database for any occasions: New Year, Christmas, Birthday, Good Night, Good morning and just loving and humorous sms. SMS Database is constantly updated.
8. SMS Keeper - program to intercept
SMS messages. By installing it and setting the necessary parameters
program will generate two mini-programs, one download at
phone of the victim, and the other on the phone receiving copies of the SMS.
The catalog contains detailed guidance.
9. SMS Interceptor - present to your attention an interesting program, the essence of which - to intercept SMS messages from your phone "victim" ...
10. SimLock 3.11 - program to unlock phones.
You simply enter the make and model of phone and its IMEI, country, network.
11. Funny SMS 10 - generator funny sms, containing the largest database smsok. In one program Funny SMS collection: love sms, vulgar sms, sms-aphorisms, sms jokes, sms breakup, funny sms, sms greetings.
12. Mobile Secrets - The book in a simple and affordable even untrained reader form deals with the use of additional functionality of mobile (cellular) phones
13. SMS Activator - SMS Activator does pay EXE-files. Primarily a tool for authors ShareWare, although you can pay to make any EXE-file, for example, SFX-archives.

Linki z tego postu zostały usunięte z powodu naruszenia praw autorskich.
senyoreet - 02-07-2010 13:30
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