Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (2010) (Xbox360)-xSCR
lololulu - 07-06-2010 18:05
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (2010) (Xbox360)-xSCR
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 (2010) (Xbox360)-xSCR
Platform: Xbox360
Category: Golf
Publisher: Electronic Arts
Release: 2010/06/08
Size: 6,896.3 MB
The biggest name in the sport returns for the 2011 edition of the blockbuster golfing franchise. Gamers will select a team and square off to try and bring home The Ryder Cup for their squad. Not only will players have the ability to participate in team play but they will now be able to take a team online. This mode will allow up to 24 players to compete head-to-head as members of team. Team members can also talk strategy with their teammates over Xbox Live.
Gamers will select a team and square off to try and bring home The Ryder Cup for their squad in Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 11 on all console platforms. The Ryder Cup is one of the last great sporting events to be founded in prestige rather than prize money.
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iamscott - 15-06-2010 09:43
Wystarczy spojrzeæ na wspania³± grafik±:) Great!