Topsolid 2009
louisfantom - 22-12-2009 19:37
Topsolid 2009
Topsolid 2009 | RAR 4.2 Gb
TopSolid 2009 has been designed to specifically provide solutions for our customers' needs. This new separation of 2008 offers new features and generating project in mechanical engineering, a tool and forest industries.
Year: 2009
Version: v 6.10.220
Compatibility with Vista: complete
Language: English
Tabletka: Present
Outstanding ability of the project
TopSolid'Design - fully integrated and associative CAM software, which allows the operator to prepare a draft and design products more efficiently. Discover the principal improvements 2009 version, among manynew features that should suggest this version.
Excellent CAD / CAM manufacturers presformy
Fully integrated CAM module, TopSolid'Mold designed to meet highly specialized needs of producers and specialists in the form of a matrix and tools. TopSolid'Mold 2009 offers manynew features to complete the digital process chain for manufacturers forms.
Excellent CAD / CAM for Tool and Die Makers
In addition to merging all of the standard functions to TopSolid TopSolid'Progress allows the successful engagement of the metal sheet and strip project in half the time required standardsoftware CAM. Discover the principal improvements 2008 version, among many new features that should suggest this version.
Integrated CAM at its best
One of the biggest forces TopSolid'Cam's - its capacity to manage all machining processes thereby creating this one of the only CAM solutions on the market, which is qualified for all car parts, offering the most suitable machining processes. TopSolid'Cam 2008 offers manynew features to enable companies to reduce machining time, increase product quality and lower cost tool.
Integrated CAD / CAM for the Forest Industry
Thanks to its continuous development TopSolid'Wood became the conductor in the project and manufacturing software for the forest industry. TopSolid'Wood 2009 and 2009 TopSolid'WoodCam offer not only increased productivity in the project and production but also eliminate all communication obstacles between research and production departments.
(Translation promt)
Extras. Information:
How to install - TopSolid, novelty, medicine.
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celsopalmeida - 02-05-2010 01:15
Gratulacje, ³adny post!