[UG] The Marine 2 (2009) DVDRip XviD
zacefron171 - 28-12-2009 08:47
[UG] The Marine 2 (2009) DVDRip XviD
[UG] The Marine 2 (2009) DVDRip XviD
The story is neither clever nor inventive, but it follows in the tradition of similar films by offering a simple scenario in which exists the unlimited potential for hardcore violence. But it?s the presentation that really makes the film work. Helmed by director Roel Reine, the movie looks and feels hugely theatrical despite its lower budget. From the cinematography, to the striking angles, to the well struck balance between fast-paced edits and lingering, well-orchestrated camera moves, there?s little about the sequel?s direction that isn?t more inspired than its fairly generic original. A hand-to-hand fight scene about two-thirds of the way through the movie takes place amidst a lengthy, sweeping camera rotation that highlights the complex choreography in a single shot. This?d be impressive by big-screen standards let alone DVD.
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ronal222 - 28-12-2009 09:31
The Marine 2 2009 DVDRip XviD-GFW napisy PL
Sequel filmu "Marine", w którym zagrała gwiazda amerykańskiego wrestling, John Cena. Bohaterem jest Joe Linwood, snajper armii amerykańskiej, spędzaj±cy wraz z żon± wakacje w Tajlandii. O¶rodek, w którym się zatrzymuj±, staje się celem terrorystycznego ataku. Joe po raz kolejny musi stawić czoła niebezpieczeństwu i powstrzymać napastników, a także ocalić swoj± żonę.
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